[dealing with problems] Videos

In 7 minutes you may find the answer you are looking for. Make sure to listen closely to words in the very beginning of this video.

The mind is our SERVANT, and not the other way around. Don’t try to stop your mind…don’t try to change anything… just sit back and watch the show, otherwise your very objection to what you “don’t like” is feeding energy and power to it. Let your thoughts do what they do, just don’t identify with them.

Do you feel like you are experiencing some problems?

This video belongs at the very top of “My Favorites”

There are 3 major pointings in this video:

1) “If there is no identification for anything that happens… there’s NO PROBLEM!

2) “It’s all just a happening”, even your body is just a happening by itself. You did not ask for this body. It is just happening.

3) “Don’t take responsibility for what is happening by itself.”