Mooji – The Best Mantra

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This three and half minute video offers the best Mantra one can have.

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Elaune says:

Thank you as in the mantra
Receiving these short pieces are a real treasure

Mahashakti Stancu says:

namaskar Mooji, thank so much for this video , we forgot to apreciate peoples value and this is the real value -thank so muh Mooji for your existence in this Univers–THANK!!!

mike says:

At the beginning of this year Self said to i ; i this year be mindful of your level of thankfulness. This year Self has connected with Mooji, Thank You.

dona says:

love the way you said this… Thank you!!

Nayana says:

Reminding us to say “thank you”whatever happens in Life….. Thank you for this mantra…..

Glenda Jasper says:

Awe the fresh truth Mooji Thank you ty ty

tanya says:

Thank you Mooji for your insight.

Amanda Frampton says:

As I cry, I say thankyou.

Maja says:

That’s great.Me too, sister.

Anonymous says:

Thank you 🙂

Nanda says:

Thank you for this clip and all the wonderful daily videos. They help me so much and I appreciate what you do to make them happen. Love Nanda

Len says:

Very sweet❤️

Jayalakshmi says:

Thank u Mooji, Namaste

Uche Realmy says:

Well about time! I was irked about being unable to get Mooji videos on YouTube. This changes things thanks

Maureen Stark says:

Very sweet, Experiencing being ‘Canadian’….the automatic response to almost any ‘random’ unplanned interaction is ‘I’m Sorry’……I’m going to attempt instead to pause, smile, and say ‘thank you’.!……thank you, thank you Mooji,

maria ines says:

Thank you thank you thank you

love love love Mooji

dona says:

yes, thank you for all those videos available on the web for the whole world to see! Thank You Mooji!

Anonymous says:

Thank you is a very true n right mantra…you are very Sweet…Loveable n Beautiful with Beautiful n Loveful Smile.Thank You…Thank You…Thank you. I Love You mooji mooji mooji…..when i say Thank You my heart be in Love…Peace…Joy….Bliss n i feel i grateful to my Beloved Mooji…my mother…my Father…my Family n Friends….my Country…World…Mountains…Rivers…Trees…Birds…Animals…The Human….The Self…The God…The Whole Universe…I feel my heart getting bigger n bigger….like I am in whole Universe.I feel Wonderful.Thank You……Thank You…Thank You…I Love You…Love You…Love You with my Love…Pranam…Gratitude to my Beloved Mooji……..Om.

CARMI says:


Anonymous says:

Thanks merges with forgiveness

Rekha Patel says:

Om…Thank you…Good video…Pranam. Love to Dear Mooji!!!….Om.

Mr. B says:

Much love to you Mooji.
Thank you for sharing your

Patricia Beckerman says:

All my love and gratitude, dear Mooji…Thank You, Moojiji!

Lalla says:

Thank you Dearest Beloved Mooji 🙂 <3

Anonymous says:

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Carlene louw says:

Thank you Guru.

Angela, London says:

Thank you thank you thank you Mooji and the sangha and all who help bring the words of Mooji to the world via on-line retreats, You Tube, Mooji TV, and yourselves Mooji Videos. So happy to have just today found you in the midst of a Mooji on-line retreat. Thank you thank you thank you.

ElsieMary Poliquin says:


ElsieMary Poliquin says:

Simplicity and Profoundness….thank You!

Waltrud Ferfers Tunc says:

Danke Danke danke

maria ines says:



Sujata says:

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous says:

thank you thank you thank you 🙂

Margaret Schmoyer says:

Thank You and thank you for your time,, it is appreciated.

odete santos says:

Grata grata grata

sunil says:

thanks mooji for this simple and lovely mantra ,thanks to the team for sending all these enlightening videos they have helped in bringing joy peace enlightenment thanks a lot

Margit Rajda says:

Köszönöm szépen!!!

Tatjana Bulesic says:

Hvala thank you Namaste!

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