In this 7 minute video clip, Mooji explains that most are suffering the illusion of separateness because of their mistaken identity and that after Awakening, one can actually enjoy the illusion of separateness and duality. In either case, NO ONE can escape the play of consciousness in duality.
In this short five minute video, Mooji explains that there are actually two answers to the question, “Can one realize the Truth through Samadhi?”, and it all depends whether we are speaking of a temporary or permanent state of Samadhi. Let’s listen in on his reply…
In this short four minute video from Mooji, he replies to the question, “How can I stop judging the images I have of myself? Mooji explains that first you must find out what you mean by “myself” and then identify the one who is aware of such images until you can transcend the conceptual blindness that is causing this question in the first place.
In this 5 minute video, Mooji replies to a question from a seeker wanting to know how long it is going to take for the answer (realization) to come. Mooji responds by explaining that as long as the validity of the question and questioner remains, Realization will not occur.
In this five minute video clip filmed at the Kannapa Temple in Tiruvannamalai, India, we see Mooji having an impromptu Satsang explaining that the first step in “realizing” the God-Self within us is to learn how to bring our attention away from the forest of associations and attachments.
In this eight minute video, Mooji talks about the purpose of spirituality being the realization of the the “I AM” (Pure Beingness), free of attachments to perception or the objects of perception. He then goes on to explain that for a few there comes the realization that even the unassociated being (I Am) is found to be a concept. Let’s listen in as he explains…
In this 7 minute video from Mooji, he explains that our true self is “prior to” any and all. Because we are here to witness the “I am” is proof that we are prior to the “I am”.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji explains the first monumental discovery. Those who have this discovery for themselves often wonder what is next, or where to go from this discovery, but Mooji explains that there really isn’t any other discovery to be made.
In this 7 minute video from many years ago, Mooji provides a deep Christmas message without delusions. If the statement “YOU are the Christ in Jesus” offends you, you may want to move on. If it inspires you or intrigues you, then you will want to listen closely to every word of this very special message.
In this very short 4 minute video clip taken from Mooji’s home in 2008, he reminds us about the need to make sure that we are not pursuing our IMAGINED version of the truth. This is extremely important because if we have an imagined version of what the “Truth” should be like, we may completely overlook the realization of it when the “Truth” is presented to us.
In this 10 minute video from Mooji, he takes us back step-by-step from the person (the idea we have of who we are), all the way back to the ultimate seer where we are left with who we truly are. This is a great and simple reminder of who we are.
After reading a few words from the Avadhuta Gita, Mooji reminds us of our true nature as the pure thing-less thing, or pure undiluted being. Once reminded of this, it is important not to place ourselves in any context because nothing we can say or describe about ourselves is true. Listen to Mooji’s beautiful pointings…
This 7 minute clip of an impromptu Satsang with Mooji, he explains that even after “Realization” takes place, there may come times when the mind is at its most potent in its resisting power to try to break your new understanding and that it is better to be prepared for such experiences rather than loosing confidence in your realization.
In this AMAZING 9 minute video clip from Mooji over nine years ago, he explains that there is nothing that needs to be done to be what you are. He also explains that we need not fall into the trap of trying to do something to remain stable in the awareness. Listen to Mooji as he helps us realize that what we are is simply prior to ALL…
In this 4 minute clip of Mooji appearing on an interview with Lilou Mace, he explains that our Awakening is not only important for ourselves but that in subtle ways it is actually affecting the whole world. Listen to how Mooji puts it…
This 7 minute video clip from Mooji focuses on all the different ways that the mind can come up with a job to do in order order to be free, when in reality all that needs to happen is complete freedom FROM the mind. There are no obstacles to overcome, no hoops to jump through, no activity of any kind to realize the self. When one does not associate with ANYTHING, what remains? Listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this very short, yet important video, Mooji starts out answering one question and ends up making a very, very important point about Awakening (Enlightenment). Listen carefully to what Mooji is saying…
In this fantastic 8 minute video clip from an older Satsang, Mooji tries to help a seeker understand that she is Awareness itself and that there is NO “Who is going to retain Awareness?” or NO “How Can I remain in Awareness?” because there is no “who” and there is no “I” that can be Awareness.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji explains that one should be prepared for emptiness because the world around you will not understand the kind of happiness that you are. Even your loved ones may rather see you doing something or working towards something and be miserable than to see you doing nothing and being happy.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from Mooji, he drives home the point that our true “Self” is incorruptible and can only appear to be corrupted if we dream corruption, because in actuality that which is one can never be two, it can only dream two-ness. Realizing this is the key to the freedom that we seek.
In this five minute video, Mooji replies to a written inquiry from a seeker that wants to know how to reach that perfect state of realization and is it possible for everyone to reach that state regardless of their prior conditioning.