In this short video Mooji explains that we need to remain as the being, keep quiet and don’t login. Let consciousness do what needs to be done. Don’t give the mind a way to blackmail you and disturb your peace.
In this 10 minute video Mooji explains how we are not really experiencing suffering, but rather that we are suffering our experience (a quote from Nisargadatta Maharaj). No matter what our minds say under emotional duress, the fact is that the only reason we are suffering is because we are totally identified with the “person”.
In this short 5 minute video, a devotee wants to know how we can strike a balance between mind and the “self”. Mooji demonstrates that the mind can not achieve balance because it is invested in projections of what balance should be. Then he goes on to explain how inner balance comes to be.
In this short 6 minute video, Mooji explains that the phantom self (ego, personality, mind) is like a monkey on your back. You can not see the monkey until it is thrown off. He goes on to explain that even when the monkey is thrown off, you can not “know” the self because the true “self” is what is left when the monkey is gone. Who is to recognize it?
In this five minute video clip taken out of an interview, Mooji explains that the “Truth” is about the “Realization” that the true “You” is even prior to consciousness and its manifestations. This video essentially contains all that is needed to “Realize” the “Truth”.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from 2007, Mooji emphasizes that in order to be able to recognize the “Self”, we must make sure that we are not holding on to ANY idea of what awakening is like, or what the “Self” is like, or ANYTHING else for that matter. The video is not the best quality but the message is supreme.
In this lovely 8 minute video, Mooji explains the journey of consciousness from being identified with a body, becoming dissatisfied with this relationship and its eventual seeking for freedom from its creation.
This short five minute audio clip is from a super popular video clip that has been shortened to provide us with a quick reminder we can listen to often. This is a great little clip to listen to first thing in the morning to keep us on track for the rest of the day.
Here is a very short, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on the question, “Who is living inside this body? You or God?”
Are thoughts powerful or not? Listen to what Mooji says about this…
The mind is our SERVANT, and not the other way around. Don’t try to stop your mind…don’t try to change anything… just sit back and watch the show, otherwise your very objection to what you “don’t like” is feeding energy and power to it. Let your thoughts do what they do, just don’t identify with them.
In this great 7 minute video from Mooji, he explains that human beings are an expression of the consciousness and not the controller or possessors of consciousness. Let’s listen in on this short boost of wisdom from Mooji…
The windshield wiper story they are speaking about at the beginning of the video can be found here.
This video clip is so AMAZING that there are no words to describe its importance if one is truly searching for the truth. In 5 minutes, Mooji speaks of at least 6 “Ah Ha!” revelations in simple, clear language that anyone that is ready for the truth can understand and assimilate. This video was given 5 stars only because this blog can not accommodate 10 stars. That is how important the information in this video is.
Mooji can fluctuate greatly in clarity depending on many things, but this is one of those times when he speaks from a place of unbound clarity as if his words are coming from the Universe itself.
This is part two of a three part series of Mooji speaking to one inquiring mind searching for the “The Truth”. However, every part stands on its own. This particular interaction is very lighthearted as well as providing super clear insight as Mooji leads this being from confusion to clarity. This is a MUST SEE for anyone experiencing any kind of confusion.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that it is important for one to realize that there is nothing wrong when old thought patterns emerge because old thought patterns and activity can still come during the transition from the personal self to pure awareness, and in fact, can still come after full awakening has taken place.
In this five minute video clip from Mooji, he explains that the “I Am”, the sense of being, is the one who identifies with the body as a separate self and can create the illusion that it is “suffering”. However, the whole point of Satsang is to remind us that this “I Am” does NOT have to identify and can remain as pure presence emanating pure joy, love and understanding.
In this powerful 4 minute reminder, Mooji explains that when only pure seeing (what you are) remains, then there is no distortion from the mind. There is only pure perceiving without any leaking of energy to wants, desires, expectations, anticipations, acceptance, rejection and no conditions to fulfill. This little video could make a great little daily reminder.
In this beautiful five minute clip from Mooji, he explains that the forces of doubt come for EVERYONE including Christ, Buddha or anyone else. Here Mooji explains how to confront these doubts by remaining in the heart of truth…
This beautiful short video gives us perspective on dreaming vs the truth.
“Through the ‘I am’, the presence of the Absolute is felt.”
This short 6 minute video examines the ability to love someone without the imposition of attachments.