This three and half minute video offers the best Mantra one can have.
Sometimes we combine with the mind and then you believe this confusion is you. Spirituality is knowing the difference between your mind, which is where your conditioning and identity live and you who is the Self.
Everyone has experienced wanting to know what to do when faced with a decision. In this awesome short video, Mooji explains the key to decision making. This is a FIVE STAR video.
We all have 10 minutes to spare. This meditation is less than 10 minutes and will bring you back to yourself.
In this 7 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker that has surrendered her life to the realization of the “Truth” but is feeling a bit insecure financially and what is going to happen in the future. Mooji explains that life is an adventure in being and that one should trust life to show the way for the fulfillment of those adventures.
This is one of Mooji’s most passionate short videos ever recorded. On one of his walks, Mooji responds to everyone and to thousands of questions sent to him on an ongoing basis about all the issues they think they are experiencing that is keeping them from freedom. THIS 4 MINUTE VIDEO IS A MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE!
Are we making choices or is everything just destiny?
The mind keeps coming back again and again… what to do?
This video is INCREDIBLE!
THIS IS A SUPER SPECIAL VIDEO! Are you feeling restless? Here’s 8 minutes of bliss…
Mooji describes in detail what it is like for him at his level of understanding. This very short video is one of the best ever. Don’t forget to share this one with your friends.
Is there pizza after enlightenment?
Put this video on your “Watch super often” list. It’s a gem of a gem.
Other than for practical purposes, Mooji explains that there is really no need for planning. It goes against everything we’ve been told, but we need to realize that “life” is truly in control and there is no need for plans.
This video is a must see! Listen to what Mooji has to say about the “power” of thoughts.
This is an AMAZING video. It deals with several subjects at once:
In this short 4 minute video, Mooji helps a lady realize that everything but silence is the “ego” and that this “ego” has the ability to comment about itself.
We must not get discouraged. It is perfectly normal to baptize our attention back into this place of seeing again and again. The mind steps in at every opportunity. This fantastic video reminds us that just because our attention goes off, that doesn’t mean we are not making progress.
Have you ever felt like you were stuck or blocked. This short video will help you with that.
Do you feel like you are experiencing some problems?
This video belongs at the very top of “My Favorites”
There are 3 major pointings in this video:
1) “If there is no identification for anything that happens… there’s NO PROBLEM!
2) “It’s all just a happening”, even your body is just a happening by itself. You did not ask for this body. It is just happening.
3) “Don’t take responsibility for what is happening by itself.”
This video beautifully exposes the meaning of unconditional love.
In this video Mooji explains the mechanism of God, person and pure self. This is one of Mooji’s ultimate videos that explains in simple terms how it all works.
This short 3 and half minute video contains all the truth one needs to realize the self.