Mooji – Isn’t Inquiry Just a Vicious Circle?

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Inquiry is not a never ending circle. There is only one ultimate watcher.

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Carmen says:

very powerful video! thank you <3

Kanchan says:

Fantastic clarity, even Truth is a concept !! Thank u so much for mining out such wonderful videos

Kanchan says:

This video is really wonderful and worth hearing again and again. I was surprised to see that I had already given a feedback. However, I feel even more clarity and conviction has come to me today than last time. I feel like saying yes to every statement that Mooji speaks, for I can confirm it immediately.
Thank you sooooo….. much, dear Moojiji and sangha for sharing this video

Nayana says:

Core teaching is given….Thanks……

jeffrey says:

It is getting clearer and clearer. Thank you Mooji and thank you the person who have asked the questions that I wanted to ask.

Anonymous says:

Thank you Mooji. The self is so present everytime I listen to your words/pointers

Diane says:

So many thank Mooji

Rowena says:

Thank you I hadn’t seen this one before and it’s so wonderful and helpful 🙂 ❤️

Chris says:


Sunil says:

Amazing Amazing Amazing thanks MOOJI and thanks to all who are sharing the videos

Ellen says:

Such gratitude rises up for this living Master, our miracle on earth. Also am so grateful for the thoughtful ones whose idea this was to send a daily ‘feeding of Truth.

Emil says:

It is a pleasure to listen to Mooji. Bless you Mooji for sharing your loving wisdom.

Sean Paton says:

Such patience you are indeed a master. blessings!

Connie says:

God perceives All through me and you thank you for this ” for the little me inside which is as big as the universe knows…and its ok I Am not Afraid thank you for being my friend Peace and Love Always

Rekha Patel says:

Om….Thank you….nice video….very Deep Knowledge.Love…Gratitude…Pranam to ky Bel9ved Mooji…..Om.

Rekha Patel says:

Om…Thank you…nice video…very deep knowledge.Love…Gratitude…Pranam to my Beloved Mooji…..Om.

Thea Khama says:

There is this … And there is a relaxing into the words. Blessings

Sasha says:

Thank you! Love!

Joanne Lafond says:

the recognition of what already is

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