This video helps us to understand the concept of Aloneness and what is beyond the concept of Aloneness and our attachments to not being alone.
Uploaded by admin on November 10, 2015 at 6:07 pm
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This video helps us to understand the concept of Aloneness and what is beyond the concept of Aloneness and our attachments to not being alone.
Bravo, ГЁ solo una grande idea
Certainly, certainly.
Simply beautiful..Beloved Mooji, a young lady and their conversation – everything with so much peace and beauty of seeing..Thank you
Istennel – Istenben, az Önvalóban NINCS egyedüllét. Hála NEKI, már
sok éve nem ismerem a magányt….De az Egy-edüllét csodálatos! Mert akkor igazán Ő-ÉN.