Mooji Videos – Who’s to be Responsible for Your Life?

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This 8 minute clip is so amazing that one must pay attention to every sentence. Two of the major points are “Remain as the ‘Self’ and let the ‘Self’ take care of your life” and “Activity of life is not in conflict with the ‘Truth’.

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Veronika Birken says:

‘When you are the awareness, your life is flowing like a river of Light.’ How I love this image!

Caroline says:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Mari says:

Beautiful! Thank you, <3

Maria says:

Surrendering is saying YES!!!

Lalla says:

So Beautiful! Thank You Beloved Mooji!

Headless man says:

I can never find what I am looking for cause I am what I am looking for….
Flow like a river of light!
Live that and I do!

odete santos says:

Sim sempre grata <3

anna says:

Mooji’s presence is enough

Anonymous says:

It is That ! Namasté

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