Mooji Videos – Remain as the Unassociated Being

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For at least one moment we must feel the freedom of remaining as an unassociated being.

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Kanchan says:

Wonderful !!

Nayana says:

Heart touching…..

Cecile says:

Thank you beloved Mooji, your pointings are so helpful to remain in the being, this one makes it almost easy; thank you!

Joanna says:

Beautiful! Thank you. _/\_

Nayana says:

This is direct & best way to be in consciousness continuously.Thanks for this video to contemplate.

Rowena says:

Wonderful video, thank you! No, I would not choose that clump of conditioning I love the way Mooji points so clearly and the wonderful analogies ✨

Margit Rajda says:

IGEN!!! Köszönöm szépen, MOOJI.

Linda says:

Thank you. let go to be. I

odete santos says:

Amei grata Namaste

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