For at least one moment we must feel the freedom of remaining as an unassociated being.
Uploaded by admin on October 26, 2015 at 4:28 pm
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For at least one moment we must feel the freedom of remaining as an unassociated being.
Wonderful !!
Heart touching…..
Thank you beloved Mooji, your pointings are so helpful to remain in the being, this one makes it almost easy; thank you!
Beautiful! Thank you. _/\_
This is direct & best way to be in consciousness continuously.Thanks for this video to contemplate.
Wonderful video, thank you! No, I would not choose that clump of conditioning I love the way Mooji points so clearly and the wonderful analogies ✨
IGEN!!! Köszönöm szépen, MOOJI.
Thank you. let go to be. I
Amei grata Namaste