Everything is really just happening spontaneously. Letting go of you. Remember that activity is not in conflict with “Truth”.
Uploaded by admin on September 23, 2015 at 4:55 pm
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Everything is really just happening spontaneously. Letting go of you. Remember that activity is not in conflict with “Truth”.
Beautiful 🙂 aah
The mind is playing a game it plays often, it wants to get the ego killed . It is so funny to see this game: the mind produces and idea, an illusion, the ego and makes it to the blockage of the self…..it has to be killed to be the self…..it does not exist, we are the self…
this first 2 minutes are it
Only when you consciously practice spirituality through observation, meditation, contemplation, isolation you more and more recognize the mind and the Self activities. Most of the time is the Self. But the majority of people on the Planet are still controlled by their little minds. So, what? Either avoid them, which is the best thing to do, if you can’t make a plan to avoid them, but if you are forced by circumstances to be around them, just accept it and take it as your spiritual practice.
Beautiful … Thank you Beloved Mooji …