Mooji – What is Grace?

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In 6 minutes Mooji makes us realize the meaning of Grace.

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Nayana says:

Being with Moojiji is a grace…..Thank you for this series… is also grace…..

Nayana says:

I am very thankful for this important video,which ignited love & compassion in my being. Yesterday Life was different. Today in the morning an incident happened, l saw my reflection in other’s conditioned mind & body….space,time…I don’t mind in me as well for others & exp.ed in my body all the reactions….that is biggest Grace….Lots of Love to all of you for managing this website…..

Anonymous says:

Thank you Mooji!

Diane says:

Many many thanks , I am so full of grace to watch this

odete santos says:

Grata por estes vĂ­deos tenho aprendido muito . (Grateful for these videos have learned a lot.)

ISABEL says:

I somehow skipped this video before. I only saw it today… and will come back to it again and again. Thank you!

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